Cannes Lions

The Beer Of The World Cup

CIRCUS., Mexico City / LALA / 2019


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Case Film






Lala is the biggest dairy brand in Mexico, with more than 99 percent market penetration. Historically, when it comes to advertising, Lala has always been very conservative and old-fashioned.

The 68-year-old Mexican brand’s messaging has always been very household-centric, with its communication revolving around wellness at home and the health benefits of its products.

But in 2018 things changed. For the Fifa World Cup, Lala wanted to be the brand that everyone would be talking about and to engage with a new audience: Football Fans.

To stand out from all the other brands and to win the heart of a new type of consumer, it would take a lot more than the brand's traditional advertising.

We had to come out with a bold move.


In México, during the Russia FIFA World Cup 2018, beer brands were facing a problem.

Due to the time zone differences, in Mexico, the games always took place early in the morning.

Communication laws forbid to advertise alcoholic beverages during the morning. In addition, bars and pubs were closed. People were going to watch the games at their houses or their offices. Long story short, it looked like this was going to be a World Cup without beer.

So, what do we drink in the morning? Milk.

During this World Cup, Lala would occupy the space that beer had left behind with a groundbreaking campaign for the category and for the history of the brand.

We transformed our milk brand into the go-to “beer” of the 2018 Fifa World Cup.


Historically, when it comes to advertising, Lala has always been very conservative and old-fashioned. The 68-year-old Mexican brand’s messaging has always been very household-centric, with its communication revolving around wellness at home and the health benefits of its products.

To stand out from all the other brands and to win the heart of a new type of consumer, it would take a lot more than the brand's traditional advertising. We needed to reinvent our brand and come up with a fresher tone of voice. That's why, during the FIFA World Cup, we took all the cliches and icons related to the beer world to build a campaign exactly as beer brands do when they talk to football fans.


First, we did a makeover for our bottles.

We create a special edition of 3 designs that were inspired by beer brands.

Then, we developed a new product traditionally associate with beers: the six-pack.

We launched our own milk-six-pack as a way to expand our message through different channels.

To promote it, we did a commercial using all the stereotypes of beer ads like slow motion beauty shots and friends celebrating a bar, but with our milk.

We place our advertising during the morning of the games of the FIFA World Cup

and during the biggest sports shows in Mexico.

Our Six Pack was distributed to sports influencers and famous sports journalist for them to help us share our message in many sports platforms.


Lala took over the World Cup conversation.

Social media was filled with positive sentiment for our campaign, reaching 47 million impressions in earned media.

Our campaign was all over local and national news. Sports journalists and even famous football players talked about how Lala played a bold move for the World Cup.

The Milk Six Pack was a success and sold out in just the second week of the campaign.

On YouTube, the commercial had 35 million views -- a milestone in itself -- turning into the most watched ad in the history of Lala.

We reinvented the idea of Lala. We deconstructed the notion that Lala was confined to a traditional home, and instead could venture into a bar or a football stadium, impacting millions of fans. In 2018, the brand found itself a new and special place in the heart of Mexican football supporters.

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