Cannes Lions

The Black Market

BBDO MINNEAPOLIS, Minneapolis / HORMEL / 2017

Presentation Image
Demo Film






Black Label Bacon created the world’s first web-based VR e-commerce site -

The Black Market. People love staring at bacon with their eyes, now they can buy bacon with their eyes. This experience was enhanced with bacon-scented VR goggles. Different flavorscapes, based on different bacon varieties, were created for users explore like the Jalapeño Volcaño and The Cherrywood Forest. Consumers were rewarded with discounts when they found the virtual bacon. It's part of Black Label Bacon's WE'RE ALWAYS THE NEW BLACK campaign which pushes bacon forward in every aspect of their business.


Black Label Bacon launched The Black Market on October 31, 2016. The mobile VR site is hosted on and is also compatible on desktop. Bacon-scented VR goggles were sent out to tech and food based media outlets. A limited number of free bacon-scented goggles were also delivered to consumers along with their bacon purchase. Discounts were offered on orders once users completed each VR flavorscape world we created. The worlds were completely black and dark to match our Black Label branding and attitude. The only object in color were delicious strips of 3D bacon. The Black Market consists of 4 flavorscapes: 1) The Jalapeño Volcaño where you purchase Jalapeño Bacon, 2) The Salty Sea where you purchase Sea Salt Bacon, 3) The Cherry Woods where you purchase Cherrywood Bacon, and 4) The Vastness of Variety where you purchase a variety pack. Each flavorscape is full of flavor cues for each bacon variety, giving people a way to further explore each flavor.

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