Cannes Lions

The Bridge to Possible

OGILVY, Chicago / CISCO / 2019







Cisco connects people, networks, and things. Their gear touches almost everything that happens behind a screen. But when’s the last time you considered what happens behind a screen?! To shine a light on connections, we used Cisco’s logo, a bridge. A concrete metaphor stands in for technology -- because people are more likely to believe you when they can imagine it.

A bridge replaces abstraction to connect what is with what could be. A bridge with the power to inspire, solve, heal, secure, and create new ways forward. Between chaos and wonder, between endangered and protected, between dreams and promise…stands a bridge from Cisco.

A familiar refrain paces the film: there’s a bridge. The seesaw of violins underpins people and businesses interacting with the world around them, all connected to technology.

If you can imagine it, we can build a bridge to take you there. Cisco. The Bridge to Possible.

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