Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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Prisoners of conscience: People who are imprisoned for criticizing the government, premarital

sex, sexual preferences, dressing inappropriately or religious beliefs.

SMS activist: Amnesty´s effective network to gather signatures to liberate prisoners

of conscience.1 of 3 cases has a positive outcome.


Every year thousands of people around the world is imprisoned for criticizing the government, premarital sex, sexual preferences,dressing inappropriately or their religious beliefs. This injustice rarely reaches the headlines in Norway.

Amnesty Norway wanted to set prisoners of conscience on the agenda and spread knowledge about what Norwegians could do to help.

We built a cell in the busiest square in Oslo and imprisoned well-known musicians, actors, politicians, journalists and others for their beliefs and behaviors that would lead to jail in other countries. A simple solution to help get them out was presented: Become a SMS activist.

We engaged celebrities so they would not only reach their followers through social media, but also catch the media's attention so our message would be broadcast all over Norway: resulting in traffic from all over the country to our website where the event was live-streamed and people could sign up to liberate the prisoners.

Every big news channel in Norway had our message on the agenda, even Norway's No.1 gossip magazine printed a two-page article about the subject, reaching readers far beyond Amnesty's regular audience.

The cell was never empty, the demand was so great we had to turn down people who wanted to be

imprisoned because of the time limitation.


We built a cell in the busiest square in Oslo and imposed the laws of oppressive governments on celebrities and other Norwegians.

During 4 days people were jailed for their beliefs and behaviors that would lead to jail in other countries.

A simple solution to help get them out was presented: become a SMS-activist.

Everything was live-streamed trough our website, where you also could sign up to liberate the prisoner.

The campaign went according to plan, every prisoner reached the amount of signatures required to liberate them, the cell was constantly occupied.

We immediately caught the media's attention by imprisoning a well-known musician for not believing in god.

Every big news channel in Norway was headlining prisoners of conscience during the campaign,interviewing celebrities before and after they was impersonated.With this great amount of media attention we reached every corner of Norway,resulting in website-traffic and new SMS-activists from all over the country.


During 4 days 79 people was imprisoned, among them well-known politicians, journalists, actors,

musicians and comedians.

The response was overwhelming; The cell was always occupied, actually, the demand was so

great we had to turn down people who wanted to be imprisoned because of the time limitation.

The prisoners was reaching out to their followers trough social media, encouraging them to become a

sms activist to help get them out. Everyone reached their amount of signatures that was required to get them out.

Every big news channel in Norway was headlining prisoners of conscience and SMS-activism reaching every corner of Norway, resulting in website traffic and new SMS-activists from all over the country.

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12 items

1 Cannes Lions Award




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