Cannes Lions

The Chase

BULLITT, Los Angeles / AUDI / 2016







With superheroes doing battle throughout our world, what does that mean to the average family who finds themselves caught in the middle of an otherworldly chase. What happens when an average Audi family has to deal with the chaos and danger of a superhero tete-a-tete?


The execution of this work involved mapping out key moments where the commercial shots can be combined with the original footage. Since the commercial shows the perspective of one of the cars in the chase scene of the feature film, it was essential to introduce the family and their viewpoint by aligning it with the same action. Stunt coordinators, actors and vehicles were placed according to the source material in order to recreate the scene.

The commercial was released online on YouTube and on Audi USA's main website with cut-down teasers used on broadcast stations to drive viewers to the digital long-form of the spot.


The commercial on YouTube reached nearly 4,000,000 views only a few days after its release.

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