Dubai Lynx

The Chicken Raps

FP7/BEY, Beirut / MCDONALD'S / 2018

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McDonald’s, Lebanon’s leading fast food retailer, wanted to promote its new Chicken Wraps. But towards the end of the year, budgets were typically low and competition was high.

So, we used radio – a cost-effective mass-media channel in Lebanon.

Conventional radio wasn't enough. We needed to disrupt the radio ads that people heard in their cars, at homes, or in their offices, making them pay attention to McDonald’s Chicken Wraps.

We chose a popular music genre in Lebanon: Rap music.

And created “The Chicken Raps” to promote the Chicken Wraps ;)

3 unexpectedly delightful rap songs - titled Soul Chicken, Old School Chicken, Dead Chicken – disrupted the category and the radio ad apathy, earning attention for McDonald’s Chicken Wraps from all listeners across Lebanon.

And as “The Chicken Raps” were hummed by everyday people on the streets, the Chicken Wraps became the hottest selling item from McDonald’s during the

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