Cannes Lions









This is the story of a secret and a revelation.

This is the story of a pulled young man and an old dead uncle.

This is the story of a teleportation and a car.

This is the eternal story of pleasure and progress.

This is the impossible choice between family transmission and conservation of the common good.

This is the collusion of contradictory feelings.

This is an oxymoron film.


It’s nightfall on a small country road. A man is at the wheel of his Golf GTE, looking very concentrated. On the passenger seat next to him is an open letter. As we watch him drive, we hear the voice of an elderly man off camera:

- “My dear nephew, when you read this letter I will no longer be here. Of all the family members, you were the only one who didn’t think I was crazy, but who considered me to be a visionary. This is why it is you, and you alone, whom I confide my discovery, one that is without a doubt the most important since the invention of the wheel.”

He approaches an imposing building, a type of manor that is a bit crooked. He takes the letter, gets out of his car and goes into the building.

- “You probably remember my country home…”

The interior is quite baroque.

- “…The switch is on the left.”

The man pushes the button.

He discovers an immense laboratory filled with about 10 machines that are a cross between highly specialized technology and crazy homemade devices. There are wires and cables everywhere on the floor, connecting all of the instruments together. At the end of the complex, there are two strange models. The voice over begins again while the man crosses the laboratory.

- “Here is the fruit of my research, a lifetime of work. Don’t be afraid to enter one of the models…”

The man enters one of the two models and get off the other one. He was just teleported from one model to the other. The voice begins again with the same tone:

- “I assume, at this point, you will have determined the importance of my invention and all that it will change. Thanks to me, gone are the days of journeys, roads and cars.”

While the voice over concludes, the man appears preoccupied.

After burning the letter, we see him leave the manor at the wheel of its Golf GTE.

Behind, the old manor explodes.


Progress. Improved.

The New Golf GTE.

Plug-in hybrid with 204 hp.

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