Cannes Lions


NATIVE LONDON, London / COTY / 2014

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Our task was to generate international PR and social media coverage for the popular Marc Jacobs fragrance.

It is notoriously hard in this sector to gain traction and cut-through around a fragrance launch and in this case - there was no launch, but a re-affirmation of a well-loved scent: Daisy.

With an already loyal following, we knew that the “Daisy Girl” loved the fragrance and she loved to share her world on social.

As all eyes of the fashion world turned to New York for Fashion Week, we used this built-in story cycle to develop and execute a social media campaign to thank loyal fans and use social innovation to drive headlines and social interaction focused on ‘social currency’ - a way of paying for Daisy items using a simple Tweet or Instagram post.

The location and time were crucial to the success of this campaign as was the use of social media both on and offline. The strategy took this into account - teasing the event in the weeks prior to launch, resulting in huge excitement and anticipation by the time the Tweet Shop opened its doors.

Perfectly tailored to the user behaviour of the Daisy Girl, the Tweet Shop was designed with her in mind. For COTY it provided the opportunity to be a game-changer in the fragrance sector, acting as pioneers, bravely embracing social media. There were a huge number of “firsts” deliberately incorporated into this campaign allowing for coverage opportunities before, during and after the event.


The strategy rolled out in two phases and provided three rounds of press coverage.

Phase one, January 28, 2014: The Street Stunt, where we hit our first round of press coverage.

Phase two, February 6-9, 2014: The Marc Jacobs Tweet Shop. Throughout the Tweet Shop received mass press coverage both on and offline.

The Tweet Shop was followed up with both a behind-the-scenes and campaign results videos allowing for a third round of press coverage.

The strategy evolved throughout to incorporate different elements and requests from Marc Jacobs International. As the Tweet Shop built momentum, more of the MJI licensees wanted to get involved.

The campaign exceeded expectations, we predicted high response rates, but exceeded all predictions by well over 100%.


With 10,000 visitors over the three days the Tweet Shop was open, social results using the #MJDAISYCHAIN tag were overwhelming.

Customers produced 14,800 Tweets, with 5.3m users reached and over 4,300 posts on Instagram with 26m users reached.

On and offline press resulted in over 160 stories with 500m media impressions. Ultimately the positive conversations around Daisy and Marc Jacobs grew exponentially with both radio and TV coverage of the event.

“Every now and then a brand comes up with an idea intriguing enough to stop and look and wonder – will this finally be the game changer?” - Forbes

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