Cannes Lions

The Ecocheque Hack

VML BELGIUM, Antwerp / 11.11.11 / 2024

Case Film
Presentation Image






11.11.11, a Belgian NGO fighting against climate injustice, depends greatly on donations to support their cause. So, they are always looking for ways to spark conversations, galvanize support, and elevate their reputation as a trailblazer in the fight against climate injustice. Preferably something smart that connect with Belgians without costing a huge amount in media (because they simply don't have that budget).


We unlocked ecocheques – thé belgian pay method for everything eco – as a means to donate to eco-charities. However logic this may seem, this wasn’t possible.

An official ‘eco-friendly’ list approves buying almost anything that helps prevent climate change, but donating to eco-charities that tackle the consequences of that same climate change, isn’t on it. 11.11.11 refused to settle for this. But changing the law in Belgium is tedious, so instead of battling bureaucracy head-on, they chose a different path – a loophole.

Supported by Pluxee (major Belgian ecocheque distributor), they established a webshop featuring second-hand items. Legally, those can be paid for with ecocheques and 11.11.11 happens to have lots of them: symbolic products from climate change victims rendered useless by extreme drought, water pollution, etc.

Exploiting a legal loophole permitting ecocheque usage for second-hand goods, the campaign effectively hacked the restrictive boundaries of the government's approved list.


The Ecocheque Hack campaign used a familiar payment method - the ecocheques - to not only raise awareness for 11.11.11 but also generated a completely new donation channel. By recognizing the untapped potential of these government-issued vouchers, traditionally designated for eco-friendly purchases, the campaign redefined their purpose.

The webshop is a vital element into realising this hack. It allowed us to showcase the devastating consequences of climate change, while keeping it very low threshold and reaching a maximum of Belgians. The 'pay-with-your-ecocheques' option allows them to join the fight against climate injustice at just a click of a button.

An offline kick-off gave the campaign the initiating push via press coverage, leveraging traffic straight to the online shop and dropping the Ecocheque Hack into Belgian conversations.


We initiated our digital campaign with a press conference – attended by local press and the CEO’s of both 11.11.11 and Pluxee - where we put on display a real, but now useless Peruvian shovel. Passersby could symbolically purchase this shovel, using their ecocheques. This offline version of the online webshop, was up for one week during autumn break (from oct 24th until oct 31st). Leveraging social media platforms (we pushed social media posts consisting of 8 video executions), our online store received significant traction as the press amplified our initiative. Additionally, Pluxee's newsletter effectively communicated our campaign to all Pluxee ecocheque users. Our efforts collectively reached close to 9 million individuals, generating an earned media value surpassing 240K.


The Ecocheque Hack catalyses significant business growth and recognition through its innovative approach. By unlocking a previously untapped donation channel, the campaign has the potential to generate €347 million in funding for 11.11.11. Additionally, the campaign's expanded the pool of potential donors by 34%.

By reimagining the ecocheque system as a vehicle for social change, the campaign not only enriches brand value but also empowers individuals to make a tangible difference in the fight against climate injustice.

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