
The Electrifying Test Drive

M&C SAATCHI, Milan / MINI / 2020

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Case Film






Electric driving is growing, is no longer an emerging trend, it’s an established market, it’s where the world is going. (In a car industry that is facing one of the worst downturn in history, electric segment is growing double digit YoY) Every car make, including all the big players are launching their own electrics. But MINI can’t to be just another electric vehicle playing around the same promises. Of course we are efficient, innovative and technologically advanced. But we have bodycopies for that.

MINI does things differently, so the New MINI Electric does. A car with a pure MINI DNA: from the exterior design to the driving experience.

And that was the challenge: to bring some MINIness into a market segment that is already standardized and coded. Not by shaping MINI around the “electric values”, but by shaping the electric values around something only MINI can do.


When we were kids, playing with toy electric cars was the ultimate fun.

But today's electric cars seem to lack high performances and may be seen as boring.

Well, not the New MINI Full Electric. Let's bring the fun back.

In the historical city centre of Milan we recreated a familiar toy electric car racing track: a 210 metres-long ambient media installation letting awe-struck guests experience the ultimate fun and high performances of New MINI Full Electric, during two electrifying test-drive days.


MINI exists to bring a spark into everyday life. So we brought a spark into an everyday electric driving...we made it fun, the MINI way.

We played on simple insight: we all already experienced the fun of driving electric at least once in our life. When? If you are millennial - our core target - we would say in your childhood. Remember your slot-car electric racing track? Remember that feeling? Now thanks to MINI Electric you can have it back.

But strategies are always all good in words. We needed something more. We needed to make it real.

So we made it real, by creating an unprecedented electric car test drive.

A walk-in event placed in the heart of one of the most iconic city areas, Corso Como, famous for clubbing and for style. A crowded hub of Milan, popular among stylish high spending people in their 30s.


- Alluminium and wood

- 2 days of test drive from 8 am to 6 pm

- In the historical city centre of Milan, 25 April square

- 210 metres long


The stunt received a massive response with a full coverage on all national news.

More than100.000 positive interact on local social platform, generation addition 1.5 mio impressions.

More than 180 test drives have been performed during the 2 days event.

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