Cannes Lions

The Endless Ad



1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Silver Cannes Lions
1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Demo Film






P&G just launched its new Durascent fragrance in Latin America: a deodorant technology that makes your nose never get used to your own scent. In other words, the Old Spice amazing fragrance can now last forever. Now, the brand needed to promote the new product feature in Latin America through a stunt with a limited media budget. So they challenged us to create unformatted content that could be relatable to its target audience: 12-34 Latin American men.


To promote the new Old Spice Durascent technology that can make you smell great forever, we created the first endless ad ever made. For real: it even got into the Guinness World Records.

It all started with a media stunt: the Endless Ad aired for 14 uninterrupted hours on TV on the most popular cable TV channel amongst the target audience. After breaking the world record and generating organic buzz, the ad inside an ad inside an ad inside an ad inside an ad inside an ad found it's way into the online media where it will be streamed for all eternity.

To make this possible, we created thousands of clips that are randomly displayed endlessly on a dedicated website. Through basic combinatorial analysis, we made sure the video would never repeat itself. Even if you watch it for one thousand years.


With a low budget and limited media exposure, we needed an idea that combined media and creative execution to communicate the new product benefit in its essence, while taking the best PR opportunities we could. And the media planning was essential.

The Endless Ad aired for 14 uninterrupted hours on TV on the most popular cable TV channel amongst the target audience (12-34 Brazilian men). After breaking the world record and generating organic buzz, the ad inside an ad inside an ad inside an ad inside an ad inside an ad found it's way into the online media where it will be streamed for all eternity.

The integrated media strategy helped us to deliver the Endless Ad to our target audience through the brand's social platforms, TV drops, influencer engagements and organically (with the help from the PR Stunt launch and the Guinness World Record buzz).


The Endless Ad was aired on Woohoo (one of the main PayTV target's channels in Brazil) for 14 hours on December 2018, and then found its way into the online media where it's been streamed ever since (and will keep being streamed for all eternity) on a dedicated website.

The campaign was boosted by influencer engagements, video drops that led users to the activation and online/offline promoted content on the first three months after the content launch. The campaign helped us considerably increase our organic reach and impact while always communicating our core message: this new deodorant technology does last for a very, very, very long time.


With an unformatted campaign, we managed to break interaction and mention records for Old Spice in LATAM social media. Old Spice mentions rose over 40% during the campaign. The campaign website had over 270.000 accesses over the launch days, the commercial had over 60 million impacts (impacting 73% of the target audience) and the brand channels had a 400% organic reach increase on that period, generating a total of 22 million reais in earned media. We also entered the Guinness World Record as the Longest Commercial ever made.

Besides the considerable increase in our organic reach, the high impact and the earned media, the campaign helped us spread the main product benefit in its core to our target audience, having the "long lasting scent" message as the main perceived message in every asset by the viewers.

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