Spikes Asia

The Friend

M&C SAATCHI, Sydney / BAIADA / 2021

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Andrew Gold’s hit ‘Thank You For Being a Friend’ elevates this narrative by quickly establishing the friendship between a Lilydale farmer and his chickens. Even if that friendship seems hilariously one-sided each time a bird reacts with a blank stare. The song helps paint a rosy picture and leads the viewer to believe this man is a friend of the chickens for selfless, wholesome reasons. So when the twist shows the farmer cooking one of his 'friends', that reveal of his ulterior motives becomes all the more disruptive and memorable. The track is essentially the setup to this commercial's punchline. Plus it brings just the right tempo and strikes a balance between quirky and well-known. In fact, it packs a healthy serving of nostalgia as the theme song for 80's sitcom hit ‘The Golden Girls’, which was very popular in Australia.

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