Cannes Lions

Ugly Makes You Super

M&C SAATCHI, Sydney / BAIADA / 2023

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MP3 Original Language
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MP3 Original Language
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Aussies love beef, lamb, chicken and fish. In that order. Turkey is not on their radar at all. It’s not part of our culture and is viewed as a weird American novelty bird. But as a nation that values health and fitness, our job was to educate them on the protein benefits of the meat.

This campaign gave Steggles’ aesthetically challenged turkey bird an identity that could live beyond the festive season and our insightful songs were written to appeal to Aussies in a way no other meat producer could.

They educated both parents and teens on the lean protein benefits of our ugly bird while giving them something to talk about at the Christmas table and beyond, in the only medium fit for such an ugly bird.


Aussies love beef, lamb, chicken and fish. In that order. Turkey is not on their radar at all. It’s not part of our culture and is viewed as a weird American novelty bird. But as a nation that values health and fitness, our job was to educate them on the protein benefits of the meat.

This campaign gave Steggles’ aesthetically challenged turkey bird an identity that could live beyond the festive season and our insightful songs were written to appeal to Aussies in a way no other meat producer could.

They educated both parents and teens on the lean protein benefits of our ugly bird while giving them something to talk about at the Christmas table and beyond, in the only medium fit for such an ugly bird.


The campaign reached 350,000 country music fans across nine days, by taking over the town of Tamworth’s only radio station during its iconic country music festival as well as partnering with the event itself to reach festival goers via the concert big screens.

It went on to generate 200 radio impressions 371,404 Spotify impressions across a range of demographics and music interests through a non-traditional partnership with Spotify, where they broke their own rules to allow us to play our 60 second music tracks to their audience seamlessly through the ad breaks.

Where Spotify normally have a maximum length of 30 seconds for traditional ads they saw the musicality and entertainment value in the Steggles Turkey songs to engage and entertain their audience.

The campaign gave Aussies a reason to talk about turkey, while educating them on the lean protein benefits of the bird.


The campaign reached 350,000 country music fans across nine days, by taking over the town of Tamworth’s only radio station during its iconic country music festival as well as partnering with the event itself to reach festival goers via the concert big screens.

It went on to generate 200 radio & 371,404 Spotify impressions across a range of demographics and music interests through a non-traditional partnership with Spotify, where they broke their own rules to allow us to play our 60 second music tracks to their audience seamlessly through the ad breaks.

Where Spotify normally have a maximum length of 30 seconds for traditional ads they saw the musicality and entertainment value in the Steggles Turkey songs to engage and entertain their audience.

The campaign gave Aussies a reason to talk about turkey, while educating them on the lean protein benefits of the bird.

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Ugly makes you super


Ugly makes you super

2023, BAIADA

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