Cannes Lions

The HP Marketing Reinventor Award

GYRO , San Francisco / HEWLET-PACKARD / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






We thought the award shouldn’t just live up to the HP ethos of “Keep Reinventing.” But truly embody it. Our goal was to create an award that did more than just celebrate the innovative thinking of the winners, but to inspire them to continue leading the way.


The HP Marketing Reinventor Award is an icon of reinvention in and of itself. Its unconventional design featrues magnetic aluminum alloy pieces finished in platinum. The award can be taken apart and reassembled in almost dozens of ways allowing the recipient to reinvent the award’s design for themselves, again and again.


HP leadership is constantly impressed and inspired about how we’ve taken their ‘Keep Reinventing’ mantra and applied to every level their business. This dedication to every project has led to significant organic growth for the agency. At the same time, attendees were excited not only to win the award, but with the award itself - since it was one of a kind.

Lisa Budnik, CMO Chief of Staff at Hewlett-Packard: “It was truly a magical evening. The winners, seen at the step and repeat wall, were completely surprised with the elegance of the evening. Many said it will be something they remember the rest of their lives and the HP Reinventor Award had a hand in that. Thank you again.”

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