Cannes Lions
KBS+, New York / PARLUX / 2014
For the first-time ever, you could transform your reflection into liquid gold in real-time as you walked passed the Jay Z Gold Window.
Why gold? Because everything Jay Z touches turns to gold. And now you can unleash yours.
We were asking holiday shoppers to not only engage with a brand promotion but to then step inside and purchase a bottle of Jay Z Gold.
Did Jay Z Gold top sales expectations?
It was a Top 10 in fragrance sales for more than 3 months from the launch and managed to defy the odds of an overly saturated marketplace.
Did the Jay Z Gold Window directly engage passer-by to change consumer awareness?
Using Microsoft Xbox Kinect and analytics, we calculated exactly how many people participated, and even how long they interacted.
Key figures:
143,000 interactions in 4 days
3,600 impressions/hour
Up to 30 seconds of interaction dwell time
Thousands shared their gold images with social
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