Cannes Lions

The Kids

SERVICEPLAN, Munich / PENNY / 2024

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Supporting Images







Everyone talks about the next generations – but hardly anyone listens to them.

We are facing pressing issues such as wars, energy crisis, climate change, and social inequality. However, these problems and decisions affect mostly those who are seldom asked for their opinion: children and adolescents.


PENNY has been using its platform to give a voice to people who are often overlooked for years. Because as a discount supermarket, we are close to the people. We know what moves them and what struggles they’re facing. So, we once again, set out to shine a light on issues that need more attention and societal discourse.


Our goal was to give children and teenagers a voice without speaking for them. By putting our adult perspective aside, we wanted to authentically show the children’s conflicts and needs as personal, political, or societal as they were.


We chose the song “What about us” written by P!NK. As one of the few pop songs that is actually written about children it provides the perfect frame. Additionally, P!NK herself is very outspoken and known for her self-determined way of bringing up her daughter. The original song already has an emotional power that is only amplified when sung by children. The interpretation by children’s choirs from London and Berlin make the song and especially the lyrics even more compelling. The lyrics reflect the hopes and worries of young people regarding their future, thereby reinforcing the message of our film once again.


The children’s and teenager’s wish was simple: “Please listen to us!” And their wish was heard. By millions across the country.

With over 21 million views on YouTube and over 4 million views in media libraries alone, we created awareness for this issue. And received various reactions.

From thoughtful: “I fully support our children, it’s their world when we’re gone. And if they represent strange values, we are to blame…”. To emotional: “Just your ordinary monday. Just been crying to the Penny ad.” Or even rejection: “Don’t give children so much power.”

These very different reactions primarily show one thing: the relevance of this topic.

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