Cannes Lions

The King & The Viking


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Case Film
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In 2023, Beats was ready to unveil the new Studio Pros. Our objective was to create a film that spoke to Beats's legacy, and was a beacon to the next generation of their offerings. We told that story through an unexpected pairing of talent: LeBron James, legendary NBA veteran and Beats spokesman, and Erling Haaland, the Norwegian wonder kid who just joined the roster.

“The King & The Viking” was created in response to the pressure we face and how it becomes fuel for greatness.

We told this story through Erling Haaland and LeBron James, who know this better than anyone. And we delivered this message from people who know them better than any fan or critic: their families. By focusing on these parallels, we created an inspiring film that spoke to the unique yet universal experience of these two stars. This resulted in Beats’s most successful campaign to date.


Understanding that pressure is the thing that fuels LeBron and Erling’s success made another thing clear: They’ve done this so often it makes the unbelievable seem repeatable.

The pressure is what allows them to achieve again and again.

And there are few that have witnessed it up close like their families. As the family members of such prominent athletes, Savannah James and Alfie Haaland hear the criticisms and praises of fans around the clock. They also see the effort put forth by Erling and LeBron on their path to greatness. So it was clear that as another season began, they would encourage our stars to do what they do best again, solidifying our creative idea to highlight the parallels in LeBron and Erling’s response to pressure with the power of Beats.


In 2023, LeBron James and Erling Haaland both had record breaking seasons. LeBron became the leading scorer of all-time in the NBA, and Erling Haaland broke the English Premier League single season goal scoring record, while completing the Treble his first season in the league. Both athletes are supremely talented and have performed at some of the highest levels their games have to offer.

As a result, when a season begins, all eyes are on them, and both athletes are under tremendous pressure. But without fail, these two stars rise to the challenge and exceed expectations. It was then that our creative insight became clear: LeBron and Erling don’t perform in spite of pressure, but because of it. It’s the fuel for their success.


To bring this idea to life, we traveled to LeBron and Erling’s current “home courts," LA and Manchester, to showcase the differences and similarities between their fandoms as they prepare for the season. We highlight the achievements of our two athletes and the impact they have on the fans.

We launched our film on October 23rd, ahead of LeBron’s first game of the season, establishing that it was time to go "again." Alongside the season opener launch, our film was even recreated in EAFC ‘24’s VOLTA game mode, so fans could channel their inner “Viking” online. The film was posted to YouTube, Instagram, and other social media platforms to ensure it reached our audience.


The unexpected pairing took the world by storm, while bridging the gap between two different fanbases, resulting in the most successful Beats holiday campaign of all time during their most important sales period (makes up almost 50% of their yearly sales).

With over 53 million views, “The King & The Viking” helped Beats reach a more global audience than ever before and received organic pickup by sports news, ad trades, and was shared widely on popular social accounts. This was bigger than an advertising film -- it was a moment that broke into culture with a powerful and relatable story told by Beats.

Beats and LeBron have had a close relationship since the beginning, and connecting with Erling expanded the Beats audience into a new demographic of fans of football around the world. In the end, it helped change consumer perception that Beats is more than just style, it's substance.

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