Cannes Lions


PROXIMITY BBDO, Boulogne-Billancourt / MERCEDES BENZ / 2014

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film
Online Video
Case Film
Presentation Image
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In France, the Auto Regulatory Committee prohibits the representation of dangerous behavior on public highways (i.e. speeding) and obliges advertisers to respect road safety protocol (e.g. wearing a seatbelt).


We created 25 hours’ worth of film-within-film content that invited the user to explore the sensations that gave rise to a completely new kind of car.

The user was able to see the concept from the perspectives of the different characters who appeared in the TV advert. Taking the example of the skateboarder, there was a back story moving from the character’s early childhood up to his mastery of the discipline. If they chose the breakdancer, they could see things from his POV (literally : we used a Go Pro). They could even spend hours roaming around as a deer.


We believe we achieved quality and quantity for our client.

4.5 minutes average viewing time per visitor, with 5 million views in just one month, equating to 7 years’ worth of viewed content, plus 2 modifications of the You Tube player initiated by the Google team to make the experience as fluid as possible on every kind of device.

All of which added up to a boost for Mercedes’ image amonst the target demographic.

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