Cannes Lions

The most famous football shirt in the world

OMD CHILE , Santiago / MCDONALD´S / 2019

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Case Film
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The brand raises as a global alignment to bring the McDonald's icons products to the daily life of all people. The objective is to launch the campaign successfully and generate noise.


The creative idea was to reflect one of McDonald's typical products on players' shirts, with the intention of getting notoriety.

That's how we changed the typical numbers and replaced them with numbers made with French Fries.


Basically, we try to capture the new global alignment of the brand, the one that takes your products icons and brings them to everyday life.

Taking into account that soccer is the most important sport in Chilean society, so everything that is done in relation to this sport has an important impact,

both in the everyday and in the competitive.


The implementation is the stamping of the shirts leaving aside the typical numbers and replacing them with numbers made with French fries.

On February 18, the game was played with the new shirt and the repercussion of this action was present at least one more week from the game.


We had different results, highlighting four. We achieved press coverage for the intervention worldwide, generating an ROI of more than 1 million dollars. We managed to be trending topic on February 18 and 19 in Chile. We managed to be Twitter moments worldwide. But the most important thing is that the sales of French Fries grew by 47% the week after the activation.

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2023, KFC

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