Spikes Asia

The Most Prosperous ATM


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BNZ’s new platform – the Bank of You – is all about delivering banking informed by the lives of its customers.

To embody this platform, we needed to show our customers that we understand them, and the way they live their lives. So we planned key moments throughout the year to release brand activity, with success based purely on building key brand metrics;like brand love, awareness, and positive social conversation.

With almost 5% of New Zealanders self-identifying as Chinese as of the 2013 census, Chinese New Zealanders make up an important – and growing – part of BNZ’s customer base.

So Chinese New Year was identified as the perfect time to speak to this audience in a meaningful, relevant way.

The brief was for a simple celebration of Chinese New Year – with the goal to build brand love, awareness, and positive sentiment within the Chinese New Zealand community.


The Most Prosperous ATM was created by rewiring BNZ’s busiest ATMs to dispense only fresh, new notes, straight from the Treasury – as well as pristine, BNZ-branded hong bao envelopes. Completely eliminating the need for our customers to visit to the bank, to get their New Year sorted.

Every detail of the Most Prosperous ATMs was created with the Chinese New Zealand community in mind.

The ATM celebrated the Year of the Dog, with a beautiful red and gold illustration – gold a symbol for good luck, and red symbolising good luck and happiness.

With 8 considered the luckiest number in Chinese culture, the ATMs were situated at 80 Queen St, in Auckland’s CBD – and launched at 8:08am on Monday the 12th of February, 5 days ahead of Chinese New Year.

The Most Prosperous ATMs became the go-to destination for getting Chinese New Year sorted, simply and easily.


The Most Prosperous ATM was created by rewiring BNZ’s busiest ATMs to dispense only fresh, new notes, straight from the Treasury – as well as pristine, BNZ-branded hong bao envelopes. Completely eliminating the need for our customers to visit to the bank, to get their New Year sorted.

Every detail of the Most Prosperous ATMs was created with the Chinese New Zealand community in mind.

The ATM celebrated the Year of the Dog, with a beautiful red and gold illustration – gold a symbol for good luck, and red symbolising good luck and happiness.

With 8 considered the luckiest number in Chinese culture, the ATMs were situated at 80 Queen St, in Auckland’s CBD – and launched at 8:08am on Monday the 12th of February, 5 days ahead of Chinese New Year.

The Most Prosperous ATMs became the go-to destination for getting Chinese New Year sorted, simply and easily.

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