Cannes Lions

The Naming

FOLK FINLAND, Helsinki / MYLAN / 2019

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In this product segment all competing products are sold in pharmacies only. And the naming of brand's are ridiculously similar. Our brand being "Kalcipos", biggest competition in category are named: "Calcichew", "Kalsorin", "Kalcia" and "Calcit".

To stand out and to break category conventions, we decided to have a laugh at the naming procedures of the category. We introduced a fictional brand name that would be much easier for the consumer to remember and request that when visiting the pharmacist.

Even we couldn't change the actual name, the product was advertised through that easy to remember but rejected brand name in TV, in-store, press and direct.


We turn the brand weakness (brand name) into a strength.

Pharmaceutical company's marketing responsible steps in to a "Name registering office" to register a new catchy brand name for a pharmaceutical product that includes calcium and vitamin-d.

Registration office clerk (a typical bureaucrat) rejects the name suggestion and explains in dry and bureaucratic manner how the name needs be build and what options are available. Our hero makes a reluctant choice and settles for a generic name. Name that differs very little from the category conventions.

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