Cannes Lions

The PAWfessional


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Presentation Image
Case Film






Hyundai has always been a success in Brazil, with innovative and technological cars.

But to take its success to a higher level, the brand needed create a stronger connection with Brazilians, through an emotional pillar.

In general, Brazilians has many passion: music, football and adventure which have been heavily exploited by many brands, therefore we needed something as strong to create differentiation and preference.


We discovered the world of pets.

They are literally considered family members, and most pets

are adopted stray dogs.

Instead of adopting a street dog that lived in front of one of Hyundai dealerships, we decided to “hire” him.

And we did it.

We hired a stray dog who got the name of our main car model:

Tucson Prime.

Like everyone who works at Hyundai, Tucson has an employee ID card and a uniform.

“Hiring” was a success and our “new employee” even gained an Instagram profile.

The "PAWfessional" has become one of the main pet influencers in Brazil.


-To show that Hyundai is the most Pet Friendly auto brand in Brazil,

instead of adopting a street dog, we decided to "hire" him.

-Audience: Hyundai customers and potential customers.

-The repercussion was totally organic.

-It was 100% earned media.


From the moment we hired Tucson Prime,

we created an instagram profile for Pawfessional.

From the moment we hired Tucson Prime,

we created an instagram profile for Pawfessional.

In less than a month, the profile reached the number of 166.000 followers.

The "seller's" day-to-day life was shared in the Tucson Prime profile

and Hyundai profile.


This idea made headlines in 12 countries. It's been over 40 news.

The idea brought very expressive results to the brand:

-94% increase in the daily average of followers in Hyundai's Instagram profile.

-367% increase in average daily visits to Hyundai's Instagram profile.

-90% positive engagement.

32% increase in the number of visits to the dealership where Tucson Prime “works.”

-A huge increase of the brand's association with the Pet universe and the perception that Hyundai is a brand concerned with the quality of life of consumers.

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