Cannes Lions

The Payback

ARCHER TROY, Mexico City / PETA / 2018

Case Film
Presentation Image
Digital Proof JPG






A campaign that shows in a brutal and honest way, how would be life if the animals have a vendetta on humans for their ravish and brutal explotation on their race.

We develop an online film that portrays the story of three animals, a cow, a chicken and a pig as they go to a slaughterhouse to face their own individual butchers. With a strong attitude and fierce they confront them trying to scare them off. At first the butchers couldn´t understand what was going on, how this human size animals could possibly exist and as they were approaching them fear and despair grew in their hearts making them scream and run for their lives, showing the true intentions of the animals to fright the killers and destroy that place full with blood and horrors for their kind. Also we made three print ads that complement the idea.


We used our online platfroms to communicate the message through an online film and we also took on some newspapers to convey the message to everyone.

Peta is a non profit organization and most of their media comes from donation.

Peta plans to keep using the campaign everywhere they can and on any media that's available.


Nowadays, the number of vegans in Mexico had grown from 7% to a 9% in 2018 said by the FAO.

The online film has more than a million views on the facebook fanpage.

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