Cannes Lions

The Postponed Day

GREY ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires / LALCEC / 2024


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions







Every Oct. 19th the entire world celebrates the International Breast Cancer Day, a date when the topic traditionally enters press and media agenda and opens a 24-hour window of spotlight and conversation over the cause. But, as the numbers of postponed checkups statistics show, just one day a year of awareness is clearly not enough.

7 out of 10 women at risk age did not get their annual mammograms and 2 out of 10 never had them done. The main reason behind?

They keep postponing it. Work obligations and care tasks ended up making women health their last priority in order to ensure the well-being of all except their own.


Although for 35 years, awareness has been raised about the fight against breast cancer every October 19, it keeps remaining as the main cause of death for oncologic diseases between Argentinean women, even when early tests raise the probability of beating it by 95%. Women continued to postpone their check-ups indefinitely in pursuit of other priorities and putting their health at risk.

A new average campaign was not going to be enough. We knew that to stand out on a date with very active communication we had to do something disruptive that the target audience would not expect nor would the other actors in the category.


Data became the foundational piece of the idea, both the source of the issue and the main key to reverse the scenario.

Thanks to the data gathered by the Regional Survey of Public Opinion on Breast Cancer conducted in 2021 by Avon and the Avon Foundation, we found out that 3 out of 10 women at risk age did not get their annual mammograms and 2 out of 10 women over the age of 40 never had them done in Argentina. Only 3 out of 10 women recognize mammography as the most effective early detection method. And as if that was not enough, during the pandemic the postponement increased to 7 out of 10 Argentine women.

There was no better way to raise women's attention than reflecting this behavioral data through the postponement of the campaign connecting with a target’s truth as well as giving more chances to revert it.


LALCEC invited the main 30 NGOs fighting cancer across Argentina to unite forces and instead of doing each their usual campaign for the day, they all together postponed the International Breast Cancer Day for 13 days in a raw.

Every postponed day became an additional 24 hours of media attention, press coverage, social media conversation, recovered patients and influencer discussion.

And for the first time ever private clinics were convinced to join the campaign donating thousands of free mammograms.

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