Cannes Lions

The right vegetables


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We know how people behave on social media: they love pointing out any mistake from brands and social media managers. So, we decided to set a little trick.

We organized a massive vegetables promotional campaign. But we mixed up onions with fennels, cabbage with lettuce and cucumber with courgette. On purpose.

Obviously, we didn't have to wait long to get massive complaints on social media. Outraged consumers blaming Intermarché for its lack of professionalism.

At the end of the day, we revealed the trick with a video showing people that are not that good at recognizing vegetables: children! A video that illustrates how much future adults need to be taught about vegetables.

Because to eat better, first you have to know what you are eating.


The Right Vegetables is a two-times activation: a fake "bad buzz" that eventually turns into a "good buzz" for consumers.

But to make the buzz as bad as it can be, our major concern was to make our mistakes in the promotional campaign credible for random people. The less they would see the advertising campaign coming, the more spontaneous and natural their reaction would be.

The reveal film - the "good buzz" part - was shot exactly the same way: the children didn't even know what they were coming for and none of their behavior is prepared or rehearsed.

This whole spontaneity prevents the campaign from a moralizing tone one can easily fall into when talking of a society issue such as children's diet.


In total, the campaign triggered 6,5K mentions of the Intermarché on social media networks and 383K interactions with the brand's publications, including 77K Facebook reactions and more than 20K comments, for a global engagement of 5,53% (whereas the average is generally around 1%).

The video went viral: we counted 1,5M view in only 24 hours, over 4M in just a few days, and 3,9K shares.

The landing page was visited more than 104K times and people stayed in average more than 30s on it. Plus, they clicked 12K times on all the content displayed and were directed to more information on the program, to the app download links and to the funny stories available in stores.

Besides, about 25 medias talked about the operation and the commitment of Intermarché in French schools.

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PX MART, Taipei


2023, PXMART

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