Cannes Lions

The Sexometer

EDELMAN DEPORTIVO, Stockholm / IQ / 2016

Presentation Image
Demo Film
Case Film






To educate the target group, we developed the Sexometer, the world’s first interactive drunken sex film, backed by science. We used both research and science and translated all the data into one highly engaging piece of content, which was both educative and interactive. The heart of the idea was a film, where people could watch and steer the changes in both attitude and performance of a love making couple, depending on their alcohol consumption levels. By changing the amount of alcohol consumed, the couple behaved differently, while a scientist explained what happened in their brains and bodies.


First we conducted necessary research together with an external research partner and with a neuro scientist.

Then we interpreted this research into an "interactive drunken sex film" with our love making actors and a scientist describing what happened in the couple’s bodies and brains under different levels of intoxication. So the audience could choose how much the couple have had to drink and their alcohol levels in the blood would change and so would their behavior, all backed by science.

To make the audience feel even closer, we used a Cyclops motion control system and our particular system was previously used in the Harry Potter movies.

We produced the Sexometer website where we published the film and provided facts and figures.

We contacted media and bloggers and provided them with a pressrelease with figures, and our film .

The campaign ran for 2 weeks, starting on the 9th of February 2016.


Before the holidays, 49 481 unique visitors had interacted with our Sexometer and they spent an average of two and a half minutes on the site. Both national and international media described the Sexometer as a new, interesting way of educating young adults on over consumption and we got an earned media reach of 12 million, in a population of just 10 million people.

Voices from the media:

“A novel way of getting young Swedes to think about how much alcohol they consume”, Creativity Online

“They show you how alcohol affects you when you have sex”, Metro Sweden

“A sexometer: This is how sex is affected by alcohol. Brilliant!” - Fanny E, Twitter

Conclusion? We translated research and science into creativity and started a new conversation on moderation. One that young adults happily invested 123 700 minutes in.

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