Cannes Lions

The Sign



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Coca Cola believes a world without waste is possible and it’s doing its part by committing to produce 100% recyclable bottles or investing in collection and recycling infrastructures, but the brand also wants to inspire and mobilize the citizens to join the sustainable movemen


Research shows that recycling goes up by 141% just by making the appropriate bins easier to find. So, to reinforce the separate collection behavior, Coca-Cola transformed traditional OOHs around the city into an iconic highlight system that made recycling bins impossible to miss.


• Data gathering

• Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/organisations)

• Approach

• Call to action

Despite research shows that people are willing to recycle and understand the importance of it, 80% of the waste that ends up in a landfill could have been recycled. At the same time, research proves that recycling goes up by 141% just by making it easier for the citizens.

We decided to inspire a better behaviour by helping them instantly locate something they always had in front of them: separate collection containers scattered around their own city.


For the first time, Coca-Cola didn’t advertise its product, but how to get rid of it correctly. To do so, the brand transformed traditional OOH media spaces into simple, yet iconic signs that indicated the closest recycling bins available nearby. The minimal design was based on Coca-Cola’s most iconic visual element, the Ribbon.

To avoid cluttering the city with additional material, the positioning of the OOHs was carefully selected, in order to find spaces that could be effectively turned into signs for bins that were already there. The bins themselves got a Coca-Cola design treatment to make them stand out even more.

Tens of Coca-Cola Sign OOHs aired in some of the most crowded streets of major cities in the CEE region, putting separate collection bins in the spotlight.


The campaign is still in place in major cities of Central Eastern Europe and data are still to be collected. Nevertheless, in the days immediately after the campaign release, through the monitoring of selected OOH locations, we have noticed a significant increase in citizens’ recycling behavior, consistent with the percentage of increase observed by research.

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