Cannes Lions

The Smarter Mirror


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Digital interactions are now central to how customers engage with brands, but these tend to cease when they step inside a physical store. It is also true that for consumers, little is more appealing than visiting a store, trying on an item and seeing how it looks in a mirror. Therefore, a digital experience through which customers could view how new clothing ranges looked on them on a screen, was agreed upon. This would allow customers to be more connected to the products on display.

A ‘Smarter Mirror’, could be used to showcase future Superdry collections. Customers’ interaction with the screen could also serve the purpose of providing the merchandising team with the ability to learn and make decisions on stocking products and marketing. They would be able to analyse how customers reacted and engaged with each new item of clothing, and make decisions accordingly.


Design & planning was carried out throughout Nov/Dec 2016, for the Berlin store opening on 8/12/2016.

Using innovative technology, it allows customers to browse through Superdry’s latest collection of winter apparel and interact with garments by trying them on ‘digitally'. The experience is driven by ‘mirroring’ customer’s movements and creating a high visibility spectacle within the store. Signage encourages customers to share on social media platforms, giving it a life beyond the store. Data on which products customers favoured and chose to try on is collected to help Superdry develop and tailor future collections.

The massive 82 inch multi-touch screen will allow future developments of the concept to capture data and act as a stand-alone e-commerce solution. Content can be updated remotely to adapt to changing fashion lines and software evolutions. It even lets customers test out new product concepts before they’ve hit the high street!


The Smarter Mirror led to a real boost for the customer in-store experience and tangible press and media gains for the client, namely 55.5 million impressions. It received support from publications such as PSFK and Dexigner, and serves as a major attraction point for the Berlin store.

Over 4,400 unique interactions and 3,100 votes for have been registered from the one installation.

Due to the Mirror’s effectiveness, Superdry are also looking to scale up on the project and implement it in other key stores.

These include:

Manchester Arndale Centre, UK

Regents Street, London, UK

Times Square, New York, USA

So, simply put, the Smarter Mirror delivers an exceptional experience for the customer, whilst providing real commercial benefits and vital behavioural insight for Superdry.

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