Cannes Lions


PUBLICOM, Sao Paulo / NETFLIX / 2014

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Case Film
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Last summer, a Brazilian blogger posted on Facebook complaining that a night club had not let her jump the queue. As a blogger for Capricho, one of Brazil’s most famous teen magazines, she thought she should be able to ‘sneak a peek’ inside the club to see if she would pay to go inside. Her post caught the attention of Brazil’s social sharers and went viral, with thousands of users making jokes about it.

The agency and Netflix saw a perfect opportunity to take part in the conversation and promote the company’s 30-day free trial, with a cheeky Tweet that read: ‘You can sneak a peek (#olhadinha) on Netflix for 30 days for free. And you don’t even have to be a blogger,’ with a link to the sign-up page.

The topical Tweet had a huge response: it was re-tweeted more than 2,500 times and favoured 600 times. The business objective of getting Twitter users to click through to the link for the free Netflix trial was met: it was clicked more than 4,300 times in only two days and the total to date stands at 7,534.

What’s more, #olhadinha became the topic’s unofficial hashtag and was immediately used across Twitter by the media - including Capricho magazine - and other brands who jumped on the bandwagon.

The team pitched this social campaign perfectly. They recognised an opportunity, grabbed it with a carefully timed, truly creative and witty response that had a direct business impact, and owned the #olhadinha meme.


The team created the hashtag #olhadinha (sneak peek) and crafted a cheeky Tweet that said: ‘You can sneak peek (#olhadinha) on Netflix for 30 days for free. And you don’t even have to be a blogger,’ with a link to the sign-up page.

They waited and watched for the right time to join the conversation, and posted when they considered the meme was almost at its peak, on 30 July. The team tracked replies, comments, mentions, retweets, and clicks through to the subscription link.

Immediately, #olhadinha became the meme’s unofficial hashtag. Other brands copied the Netflix idea, using its hashtag, hours later. It was even used by Capricho: there were rumours the magazine was closing, but on the same day as the Netflix Tweet Capricho tweeted: ‘CAPRICHO still exists and in this edition it has 2 amazing covers! Want to take a #olhadinha in the magazine before buying?’



The Netflix sneak peek Tweet had a huge response: it was re-tweeted 2,500+ times, and favoured 600 times.

The business objective of getting Twitter users to click on the link for a 30-day free Netflix trial was met: the link was clicked more than 4,300 times in only two days; the total to date stands at 7,534.

Some people even tweeted they would sign up to the service purely because of the #olhadinha Tweet: ‘I’m even considering paying to subscribe to @NetflixBrasil just because of the totally excellent joke they grasped.’; ‘I want to subscribe to @NetflixBrasil just for the young and funny marketing’.


The Tweet was featured in many online publications and in the print version of leading newspaper Folha de São Paulo (circulation 300,000).


The Tweet was also mentioned on many blogs and Facebook Pages, including YouPix and Universo Online (combined Twitter following of 265,000).

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