Cannes Lions


TOINEN PHD, Helsinki / LEAF SUOMI / 2013

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Case Film






The media campaign was based on the creative idea: 'taste of fruits moved into a cube'. Small TV campaign and outdoor advertising near the shopping centers built awareness, but the biggest innovation was how we stood out in-store.

We negotiated a special, never-before-seen promotion with the 50 biggest hypermarkets in Finland. As we wanted to emphasize the fruity taste, we turned actual fruits into media. The shop-owners loved it.

We tagged small stickers to the apples and oranges, saying “you can find this taste also in the Juicy Cube chewing gum”, and we had special cube-displays in the fruit section. Additionally, we even used the fruit scales as media. By pressing the Jenkki-button , you got a sticker with a -50% discount off the product.


The results were overwhelming. During our promotion the sales in the stores were up to 15 times higher compared to other weeks in the same stores, and even 10 times higher compared to any store outside the promotion.

The novelty product immediately got a market share of 13% and after summer stabilized to a laudable 10%. Sales in the whole chewing gum category grew a staggering 22% during the summer months And the estimated value of the yearly extra sales for the market leader were 10M€ . All this with a total campaign investment of only 425k€.

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