Cannes Lions

The Time Machine

OLGA LEE, Montevideo / TIENDA INGLESA / 2024







Tienda Inglesa underwent a change in ownership seven years ago. The original family owners were deeply cherished by the community. However, with the change in ownership, there was a perceived decline in quality and service, leading to a dissatisfaction with the brand. This campaign aims to reestablish the emotional connection with the audience and restore the perception of excellence in quality and service. The brief focuses on creating a commercial that highlights Tienda Inglesa’s commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Objectives include presenting Tienda Inglesa as a leader in quality and service, emphasizing its dedication to innovation, and rekindling the emotional bond with the audience through a compelling narrative.


The direction of the commercial involved a long casting process, with auditions held in Uruguay and Argentina. The girl casted had no prior acting experience. The director, who is also an actor, guided the non-actors through the process, aiming to bring out the best in their limited acting experience. A significant change proposed by the director was altering the original script to have the grandfather reveal the truth to the girl at the end. Extensive period research was conducted, and the opening scenes were filmed in front of the actual facade of the era's store, later restored in post-production. Balancing elements of mystery, adventure, comedy, and deep emotion posed a beautiful challange as well as the narrative of the final twist.

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