Cannes Lions

The Ultimate Cause

GREY, London / CASA DO ZEZINHO / 2023

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According to a UN report, there are over 40,000 non-governmental organisations in the world. With so many causes demanding our attention, requests for help has hit a historic high. Nearly all those causes have a common issue - children are the ones who suffer the most. They are the most vulnerable in any sort of hostile scenario. So, when they need help, children can’t wait.

This is the premise of the campaign created for Casa do Zezinho (CZ), a non-governmental organisation based in Sao Paulo, helping thousands of vulnerable children daily with; social and educational opportunities, three meals a day and support for their families. Our challenge to raise awareness and increase donations for CZ's cause in Brazil and in the UK.

The campaign depicts empty workspaces, in each empty office the audience realises each of then works for a high profile NGO. They're all out of office prioritising children.


With so many threats to our planet (conflicts, endangered species, pollution, deforestation, climate change...) the number of causes demanding our help has hit a historic high (there's +40k NGOs today according to the UN). How to remind people of the most important cause of all so they can prioritise it for their donations?

We showed what the world's most important and engaged activists prioritise over their urgent causes: children. A line that helps explain what Casa do Zezinho is all about, 'Children are our only cause'.

Through a challenger-brand mindset, 'The Ultimate Cause' made an important impact raising awareness that there's nothing more urgent than children and driving a 12% increase in donations for Casa do Zezinho in December 2022.

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