Cannes Lions

The Universal Language of Coca-Cola

GUT, Buenos Aires / COCA-COLA / 2024


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Content
Supporting Content






We were briefed with creating a radio campaign for Coca-Cola that emphasized its iconic status. Initially, the campaign was intended for several countries in the Middle East, but it later expanded to include other regions.


‘The Universal Language of Coca-Cola’ ingeniously leverages data insights to deliver a message in a way that only Coca-Cola could do. By targeting rarely spoken languages within each country, the campaign showcases Coca-Cola's iconicity. This personalized approach, backed by data, ensures relevance and resonance with diverse audiences. Despite the message being understood by a select few, the universally recognized term "Coca-Cola" ensures widespread recognition, driving engagement. This innovative use of audio media not only captures attention but also redefines how Coca-Cola connects with consumers, solidifying its iconic status. Through its groundbreaking approach, the campaign embodies innovation and originality, setting a new standard for brand communication.


The data-driven strategy for "The Universal Language of Coca-Cola" involved meticulous data gathering, interpretation, and targeted implementation. Initially, extensive research was conducted to compile insights on global language distribution and minority populations. This involved cross-referencing data from various sources, including embassies and the U.N., to obtain precise figures.


We meticulously tracked key radio channels in Spain, Iraq, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), ensuring comprehensive coverage of our target populations in each region. The campaign was swiftly implemented, featuring diverse versions of radio ads in multiple languages to maximize audience engagement. Through community mapping, we achieved extensive scale, enabling us to broadcast radio ads in the least spoken language within each country. This approach fostered a sense of belonging, allowing people from various backgrounds to momentarily feel at home. The strategic integration of media channels and the streamlined timeline of implementation contributed to the campaign's broad reach and impactful execution.


We achieved high persuasion scores at 73% and a 90% experience recall demonstrating the effectiveness of our owned media efforts.

Consideration increased by 2.7% and brand love saw a 5% rise in February '24 compared to the previous year, indicating improved consumer loyalty.

Moreover, there was a notable 6.7% increase in the share of meals during the same period, reflecting positively on consumer behavior. These outcomes underscore the campaign's impact on brand perception, fostering a more favorable image among consumers.

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