Cannes Lions

The Unmentionables



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






Cleanipedia offers non-judgmental cleaning advice, catering to an audience increasingly interested in cleaning content. However, the brand remains relatively unknown and operates on a limited budget compared to competitors. To address this, we crafted a campaign to grab attention and elevate Cleanipedia's profile, particularly among young audiences seeking cleaning tips from various sources.


Extensive research revealed a surprising trend: the most common stains people seek help for online aren't grass or red wine on carpets; they're bodily fluids—what we've dubbed "The Unmentionables." Blood, faeces, semen, and sweat stains pose significant challenges, yet discussing them openly remains taboo. Cleanipedia, advocating a non-judgmental approach to stain removal, recognized the need for action. However, advertising regulations posed a challenge. We had to innovate, finding unconventional ways to address this issue.


Cleanipedia remains relatively unknown. With the surge in interest for cleaning hacks on social media, we seized an opportunity to engage a younger audience boldly. Our strategy tapped into a crucial insight: bodily fluid stains are highly searched for for advice, yet often overlooked by brands. To captivate attention, we devised a hybrid campaign. Initially, we showcased the unmentionable stains in public spaces to spark conversation, then directed the audience to Cleanipedia's online content in a bold and innovative manner.


We partnered with real retail brands – Panda, Pruzan & Comfyballs – and hi-jacked their posters in key footfall sites. During the day it showed their original adverts; a bedding ad, a sportswear ad, and an underwear ad. Then at night, specially-placed UV lights came on to reveal our unmentionable stains, as well as Cleanipedia branding, messaging and a QR code.

This QR code would link to a video on Cleanipedia’s TikTok page, created by a micro ‘Cleanfluencer’ who would, in their own style, challenge the taboo around these ‘unmentionable stains’ by openly talking about them and importantly give a science-backed guide to cleaning it.

And we didn’t stop there. We encouraged the conversation even further with other influencers who talked naturally about their ‘unmentionable stains’, and street interviews around the billboards with small TikTok interview channel SayWhat!?


As a small and still unknown brand the aim was to drive fame for Cleanipedia and cement its role as the science-backed source of cleaning help by starting a conversation around these ‘unmentionable stains’. With a combined campaign we drove substantial noise with targeted billboards, Cleaning influencers and PR to generate;

120M Total Impressions

356 Pieces of Coverage

2.5 x TikTok Engagement Rate Benchmark

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