Cannes Lions

The Unnoticeable Whopper



1 Gold Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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The under 30 population is key for Burger King in France. In order to champion them, since a decade, the brand has been extremely active on social networks. Thanks to its wit, cheeky tone of voice and unrivaled reactivity, the brand became the french benchmark in terms of social media strategy.

Yet, to stay relevant to our target, we had to replicate this success on the most influential platform of the moment: TikTok. A platform where the brand didn't perform as well as on others so far.

The brief was as simple as that: how do we crack TikTok as quickly as possible?


In order to become the most noticeable account on French TikTok, we changed the most unnoticeable thing in the world: our general terms and conditions.

In our GTC, the infinitely long text that nobody ever reads, we hid an easter-egg, a special offer: "anyone followed by Burger King on TikTok gets a free Whopper".

As intended, nobody noticed it... Until we followed one single account and only this one: @MASDAK, the French expert on commercial loopholes, followed by 2.8 million TikTok users. That's when people noticed something was cooking. They tagged @MASDAK in our posts and started debating the upcoming reveal.

@MASDAK investigated, found and revealed our offer in a video. Our follow immediately turned into the most wanted currency on French TikTok. People would do anything to get it, creating all kinds of content to get us to follow them.


TikTok's particularity is its ability to make the smallest things go very big. On the platform, a niche creator can become a superstar, and seemingly trivial movements or trends can instantly become hits seen and shared by millions.

This was our starting point: how do you create virality out of a tiny element? It led us to identify trends and creators who focus on very specific areas, but have huge audiences and engagement rates.

@MASDAK is perhaps the best example: by focusing solely on commercial loopholes and the analysis of brands' "general terms and conditions", he reached 2.8 million followers and hundreds of millions of views on TikTok. He's so popular that “I follow Masdak” is now a meme synonymous with scam-immunity.

We knew that if we got his attention, we'd get the attention of millions. So we plotted "against" him in the hope of getting a "TikTok effect".


All we had to do was to change one single line in our general terms and conditions, and follow one single account on TikTok.

Once the offer was revealed, people got hooked and tried everything to earn our follow, creating a myriad of user generated contents on the platform.

Some went crazy: tattooing themselves, redesigning our logo, liking all our 2300 posts... a guy even did a concert in one of our restaurants.

But only a few of them, the most creative ones, were rewarded with our follow.


Basicly, during ten days, in France, you couldn't open TikTok without noticing the operation.

It generated:

- 22 million views

- 3.2 million likes

- 83 000 comments

And helped us get 104 000 new followers.

The operation reached 78% of French TikTok users.

By changing one single line in our general terms and conditions, we achieved the european most engaging campaign on TikTok in 2023.

All of that without investing one euro.

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