Cannes Lions

There's No Tech Like Navy Tech


Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image
Presentation Image
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Presentation Image
Demo Film
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IDEA: There's No Tech Like Navy Tech

To get graduates to believe, “There's No Tech Like Navy Tech,” our insight was to focus our live mobile experience less on the Brand and more on the Brand's Technology. To accomplish this, we made our case in a language they were all familiar with: Virtual Reality. What we created was a first-of-its-kind Virtual Reality experience, approved and built to US Navy specifications, that allowed graduates to not only see, hear and interact with an actual Navy mission…but to also physically feel it.


IMPLEMENTATION: With Pentagon and Naval High Command approval, we had unprecedented access to a NAVY SEAL TEAM on a live fire mission. We mapped every movement, voice command, weapon and action rendering over 230,000,000 pixels per second to reconstruct the mission. To capture the attention of these prized technology graduates, we had to do more than just an Oculus Rift headset. We needed them to feel the mission as a Navy Seal would. So, we re-engineered a video game steering wheel and throttle system to replicate the haptic sensation of piloting a SWCC BOAT. And we re-programmed SubPac, a wearable technology, so it percussed in real-time with the action. The first-of-its-kind Mobile Virtual Reality experience, built to US Navy specifications, allowed graduates to not only see, hear and interact with a mission… but to also physically feel it.

TIMELINE: 68 days.

PLACEMENT: 256 live events across the US

SCALE: 100'x100'


• We doubled the reach vs the previous 2 years combined

• Engagement was 2.7x higher qualified leads vs previous 2 years combined

• Changed 20% of participants minds who initially checked, “NO, not interested in a career in the Navy.” and ended up changing to “YES, I am interested in a career in the Navy.” after going through the VR experience.

• Consolidated and dramatically sped up lead generation from a 6-12 month process down to 15 minutes, resulting in an -84% reduction of lead processing time.

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