Cannes Lions

This Girl Can, Fit Got Real


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The commercial seeks to redefine the very concept of what it means to get active, democratising exercise for all women, regardless of how much money, time or energy they have. Fit Got Real authentically conveys the day to day realities of these women’s lives and how, despite the job obligations, financial pressures or childcare responsibilities, there is always a way to get active. No matter how unconventional it might seem. Authenticity was achieved through street casting and arranging that the women be filmed in the locations and situations that were true to them.


With such a complex message aimed at a hard to reach audience, it was essential that the Fit Got Real campaign captured real women’s lives in a bold and relatable way. Key to this was ensuring that the campaign featured real women who would be able to share their experiences and provide real context to their lives. The media budget did not allow us to consider TV as a channel to use and so we ran across social and broadcast/online VOD to ensure we were using the budget as effectively as possible to hit our target audience. This targeting also allowed us to segment and reach our target audiences BAME, LSEG & Teens).


A combination of media channels selected to achieve scale and visibility broadcast channels such as OOH and VOD were used with digital channels upweighted to the Teens, BAME and LSEG audiences.

Local activations were timed to coincide with the broadcast and digital activity to drive action and participation. The activity achieved 13 million impressions and reached 3 million women. All media ran from 18th January to the 1st March 2019.

Activity ran on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat delivering 139 million impressions and reaching 19 million. Local activations were timed to coincide with the broadcast and digital activity to drive action and participation. All media ran from 18th January to the 1st March 2019.

As women’s motivations to exercise fluctuates, our social channels were always on to provide words of support and encouragement.


Since October 2018, the campaign has been highly effective at provoking debates and reigniting women’s desires to get active up and down the country. Importantly, the campaign has also grown This Girl Can’s social media following amongst women from lower socio economic groups, BAME, LSEG & Teens, expanded the remit of what This Girl Can is able talk about. This has allowed Sport England to talk to these women on a more regular and personal basis. Something very few brands, of any nature, have been able to achieve and will be central to the long term success of the campaign. The most recent figures from Sport England’s Active Lives Survey (published April 2019) shows that the gender gap continues to narrow and there has been a positive decrease in the number of inactive adults with over 80% of the decrease being as a result of more women becoming active.

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