Cannes Lions

Throwaway Comments

OGILVY, London / NABS / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






4 in 10 people have experienced microaggressions at work related to their identity. Studies have shown this can cause depression, trauma, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Many people don’t understand of the lasting impact these comments can have. So how do we help them understand the impact their words have.

Over 500 books & sets of posters were produced and sent to leading UK companies from various industries that have high percentages of workplace microaggressions.


We curated a collection of 30 workplace microaggression stories, amplifying marginalized voices. Collaborating with artists from these communities, we visually depicted each experience, capturing the emotional impact often overlooked. This served as a conduit, articulating the profound effects of microaggressions on individuals who may struggle to express their trauma. Our initiative aimed not only to raise awareness but also to catalyze change by targeting unaware colleagues. By showcasing the tangible repercussions of seemingly innocuous words or actions, we fostered empathy and understanding among employees. Through art, we illuminated the subtle yet significant ways in which microaggressions perpetuate inequality and harm within the workplace. This collective effort empowered voices that too often go unheard, sparking conversations and actions toward a more inclusive and respectful environment.


We collected stories from people within marginalized communities who have been victims of microaggressions in the workplace. These stories were categorized and selected to show a broad range of types of microaggressions, looking beyond the most common such as racism and sexism to ensure the campaign was inclusive of all types of microaggressions.

The campaign targeted workplaces in industries with high prevalence of microaggressions, helping educate both leaders of companies, as well as employees. Asking people to understand the consequences of their words, and to think twice before speaking.


To highlight the permanent damage that microaggressions cause, posters were printed on specialized indestructible paper that couldn’t be thrown away. They were sent as scrunched balls, resembling thrown away paper. However when the package was opened, the posters unfurled in-front of the recipient.

Sent to over 500 people, the campaign targeted organizations where microaggressions could take place.


The campaign has so far reached over 23 million people, helping to educate millions on the impact of microaggressions, receiving a 98% positive sentiment. It has been introduced as educational training in multiple international organizations, along with panel discussions helping to let employees see impact first hand.

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