
Tik Tak 2.0

LUCY, Brussels / KETNET / 2019

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Savvy marketer knows that if you play your cards right nostalgia can create a really strong bond between brand and consumer. But nostalgia-marketing can be tricky. The combination of emotional baggage and pre-existing memory structures can lead to an over protective reflex. Every change or adaptation can feel like a violation of the original and an attack on our personal past. Something Disney had to deal with after releasing the remake of The Lion King. A lot of fans felt they strayed away too much from the original.

When Ketnet announced a remake of Tik Tak, 32 years after the original first episode aired, we decided not to give away too much information on what the new season would look like. A strategy that had the effect we wanted: take them back to their childhood and talk about what the new episodes would look like.


To spice up the anticipation, excitement and buzz about Tik Tak 2.0 we asked 4 famous Belgian directors to give us their interpretation of Tik Tak. Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah (directors of Bad Boys for Life), Jan Verheyen and Lukas Dhont (winner of the camera d'or in cannes for his film Girl) became our filmfluencers. We made different trailers inspired their artistic interpretations and how each of them would direct the new season.

Each of the filmfluencers were carefully selected so we would reach different target audiences: Adil & Bilall (Patser, Bad Boys 3) are known for their action movies. Lukas Dhont, the director ‘Girl’, has more of an Art House following. And Jan Verheyen makes popular comedies. This segmentation helped us to reach a broad audience with personally crafted content.


When Ketnet announced a remake of Tik Tak, 32 years after the original first episode aired, we decided not to give away too much information on what the new season would look like. A strategy that had the effect we wanted: take them back to their childhood and talk about what the new episodes would look like.


After the teasing of the trailers on the social channels of the influencers, the campaign was quickly picked up by the larger Belgian media resulting in a second campaign spike. After that we continued our campaign with a more classic paid media setup: Facebook, Instagram and Youtube video. In the final part of the campaign we extended the mediamix with a radio & television.


During the campaign Tik Tak 2.0 was the talk of the town. The trailers our influencers shared had an average engagement rate of 28% (20% higher than the benchmarks 5,). This resulted in a lot of media coverage by our major newsmedia

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