Spikes Asia

TikTok local love campaign

NIDE. INC, Tokyo / TIKTOK / 2024

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Japan is prone to earthquakes and other natural disasters, and even in the past few years, many areas have been hit by natural disasters. Although many people extend a helping hand each time, the reality is that interest gradually wanes. However, recovery takes years. There are still many areas in need of support.


What can TikTok, a platform for entertainment, do to help the affected areas that are still in the process of recovery? We aimed to draw the public's attention and create momentum for recovery together.

The Goal

Our goal was to work with TikTok's global community to spread the word about the current situation in the disaster-affected areas, the future of reconstruction, and bring awareness to the world. It is to encourage the affected areas through the power of entertainment. Also, the goal was to provide tangible support through relief funds.


We planned a charity LIVE called "Local Love TikTok LIVE" based on the concept of "supporting local communities through the power of entertainment. This event has been held in Okinawa, Sendai, Kumamoto, Hiroshima, and Rikuzentakata (Tohoku), focusing on areas affected by disasters. The live performances, featuring local celebrities, musicians, and TikTok creators, were streamed live throughout Japan and simultaneously broadcast on primary large-screen TV screens in Tokyo. The event was also broadcast globally in Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Peru. The event demonstrated our commitment to reconstruction assistance as an entertainment platform for the global user community.


We aim to make TikTok LIVE viewers feel they are part of this LIVE project and the reconstruction support. To do so, we have planned the following method: TikTok will donate to the disaster area according to the total number of positive reactions from the LIVE viewers, such as "likes," "comments," and "gifting" during the LIVE streaming. By doing so, we succeeded in creating a sense of unity in the LIVE, making viewers aware of the need for reconstruction assistance, and creating a community of people helping each other together through the power of entertainment



Implementation of entertainment-based live performances for reconstruction support through TikTok LIVE.


Starting with Okinawa and ending in Rikuzentakata in 2023, 5 events have been held so far.


Okinawa, Sendai, Kumamoto, Hiroshima, Rikuzentakata


LIVE distribution throughout Japan

Simultaneous broadcast on primary large screens in Tokyo

Global distribution in Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Peru


150 word limit

Distributed in 10 countries and territories worldwide

Received over 5 million positive reactions

Gained a total of 200 media exposures

The success of this initiative proves that TikTok can be a powerful platform for positive engagement.

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