Dubai Lynx

Time to Read



2 Grand Prix Dubai Lynx
1 Gold Dubai Lynx
2 Silver Dubai Lynx
3 Shortlisted Dubai Lynx
Case Film
Supporting Content
Case Film






Kinokuniya is the largest bookstore in the UAE. And just like all bookstores in the country, the brand has been seeing declining sales, year after year.

Online on-demand entertainment and information have replaced actual physical books.

Only 22% of people in the UAE consider themselves as regular readers of books; and

84% cited “lack of time” as the number one reason that prevented them from reading

We needed a disruptive experiential approach to effectively convince people to reallocate their time spent on social media to reading a book (or two!) to deliver increase in sales volume during the campaign period


TIME TO READ: Showing how many books people could read, with the time they instead spend on social media

We wanted to disrupt social media users, and we knew we needed to do it visually.

We had to show, not tell, to create a shift in perspective.

We collected the daily social media screen time of UAE residents and turned that data into eye-opening statistics:

Facebook = 35 books

YouTube = 42 books

Instagram = 43 books

Twitter = 22 books

TikTok = 42 books

We brought this shocking data to life through startling data-driven visual installations on-ground, and through social media.

And through this creative data visualization, we delivered the message effectively.


When asked why they don’t read, the number one reason for 84% of UAE residents was “lack of time” yet UAE residents spend 8.36 hours on social media every day, higher than the global average.

Using their screen time, we analyzed how their average weekly screentime on social platforms could translate into books: Facebook = 35 books, YouTube = 42 books, Instagram = 43 books, Twitter = 22 books and TikTok = 42 books

People were not seeing how much time they spent cumulatively on social media. We needed to show how many books people could read, with the time they instead spent on social media.

With this eye-opening data, we hacked our target audience’s behaviour online and on-ground via installations that made for social-worthy posts, and time-targeted contextual ads that


The campaign started with data-driven on-ground installations across malls right next to Kinokuniya stores, that were designed to be both disruptive AND engaging.

The installation showed the number of books one can read with the same amount of time spent on social platforms. The visual was thought-provoking and made for a social-worthy post which helped draw people into the store and increase footfall.

Once inside the store, the installation featured a range of titles from various genres matching interests with books that encouraged people to browse, to help convert footfall to sales.

Then we hacked social media behaviour by delivering contextual messages on different platforms, letting people know how many books they could read based on the time spent on each platform and offered discounts on books.

We also tracked peak social media consumption during the day and targeted users with ads that offered discounts on books during these hours.


The creative data-driven approach and smart media implementation effectively got people thinking AND acting

The campaign successfully convinced “time-starved” UAE consumers to take the time to read, which successfully drove book sales for Kinokuniya:

16% increase in footfall vs. same period prior to the campaign

Achieving 4x the footfall target of +4%

The campaign also managed to pull people into the store during months (after Ramadan) that have historically low footfall rates

+50% increase in reach and engagement vs. previous promotional and sales posts.

+317% reach, +196% engagement across Kinokuniya’s social channels

+26% increase in page visits in Kinokuniya’s e-commerce site

An increase in keyword search volume and brand awareness for “Kinokuniya” and “Arabic books”

Resulting to a 28% increase in sales volume vs. previous year

Surpassing sales volume target of +12%

Making it the highest Kinokuniya book sale in the last 10 years

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