Cannes Lions


POSTPANIC , Amsterdam / TNT / 2015

Case Film






A TNT cargo plane arrives at an airport whilst the ground crew proudly wait for it to come to a stand-still. As the cargo doors open, a team of TNT couriers come running down the ramp with their parcels and with great acrobatic skill and precision, come together to form a human truck.

More human trucks join and we see them all leave the airport going in their different directions. One of the human trucks passes by a car with a young boy looking out in surprise, just as it encounters a traffic jam by a tunnel. The TNT couriers separate from their unified construction and as individuals, run efficiently through the traffic jam until they are past the trouble spot and able to rejoin as a team back into the human truck.

Eventually we see the human trucks separate into smaller vans and travel to their different delivery points. As one human van drives up to an office, it stops and the TNT courier team separate into individuals stretching and limbering up while a single courier delivers the parcel to his customer.


The key objective was to maintain the 'human' element, keeping in camera what was physically possible (even when seemingly impossible). This worked creatively, despite a really sharp turnaround and immense technical challenges.

We built a physical rig for 50 stuntmen that was towed allowing freedom to shoot how we wanted. Fully populating the lorry rig required 250-300 people, so we shot multiple plates on location to show all the people on the rig and then filled the gaps (and physically impossible positions) with CG people (also using mo-cap.)

Our second challenge came from the logistical issues dictating the shoots. We had to shoot each component of each shot in multiple takes in multiple locations, usually without any form of motion control on the camera. These were then stitched together to create one complete image we could then embellish with CG. Often each of the multiple passes or components were shot from a variety of different vehicles and methods for the same take, ranging from handheld, tripod, crane, cherry picker and a drone (used for 2 separate takes from 2 separate locations in 2 separate countries days apart). Typically up to 10 elements shot at 3 or 4 different locations.

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