Cannes Lions


TWIGA, Moscow / LIZA ALERT / 2015

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Background: The Liza Alert is a charity organization that finds missing people Liza Alert believes if people had reacted faster the number of saved lives could have been dramatically increased.

Problem: For some reason people in Russia believe that you can only report a missing person after 3 days.

Objective: To let people know that waiting 3 days reduces the chance of finding a person alive by 50 percent, which is practically signing a death warrant.

Solution: an hourglass shaped installation with a little girl inside appeared in the centre of Moscow saying “To delay means to kill!”. Day by day earth poured over the girl's head slowly burying her. Within 3 days the girl was buried at least 50% emphasizing the sadness because we were only able to start to act when the chances of helping were already less than 50%. People were shocked. But sometimes only shock can change minds.


- Publicity exploited. The key message was delivered to 27 millions of people.

- The campaign symbol became a sign for missing people.

- The number of timely calls increased by 50%

- Twice the number of people were found alive.

- Millions of people now know what to do if someone goes missing.

Key PR element of the campaign is a shocking installation that was made especially for the PR-effect. Publicity exploited. The key message was delivered to 27 millions of people via TV, magazines, newspapers and internet.


May 2014: an hourglass shaped installation with a little girl inside appeared in the centre of Moscow saying “To delay means to kill!”. Day by day earth poured over the girl's head slowly burying her. Within 3 days the girl was buried at least 50% emphasizing the sadness because we were only able to start to act when the chances of helping were already less than 50%. Afterwards it was there for 4 months. At December 2014 monument has moved to next city – Bryansk


Publicity exploited. The key message was delivered to 27 millions of people.

The campaign symbol became a sign for missing people.

The number of timely calls increased by 50% Twice the number of people were found alive. Millions of people now know what to do if someone goes missing.

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