Cannes Lions


YOC, Berlin / KRAFT / 2013

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Case Film
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“Touch & Play” Ad – Guerilla Targeting and User Engagement

Kraft Foods launched an innovative campaign for the Philadelphia with Milka chocolate cream, using a Guerilla Targeting on the biggest barcode scanning app in Germany: barcoo.

The barcode scanning app barcoo has over two million unique users and millions of scans per month in more than 160 product categories. It is the largest product guide in Europe, with more than 9 million downloads. Therefore, barcoo offers a great platform to implement such ads.

The “Touch & Play” Ad attracts the attention of the competitor’s clients, directly at the point of sale:

The interactive “Touch & Play” Ad of Philadelphia with Milka was delivered on the competitor product information page, right after the scanning of the competitor chocolate cream barcode with an iPhone.

The campaign was implemented with an adserver and a contextual targeting and visualized using an html5 advert.

The “Touch & Play” Ad engaged the user and called the target group to action. Users could play with the bread knife that spreads the chocolate cream on top of a piece of bread. When the users click on the advert once again they are forwarded to the Philadelphia mobile site for more information. Thereby the potential clients were picked up directly at the store shelf.

The success of the campaign has been satisfying for both client and consumer:

• 37% of the users have seen the product presentation (Philadelphia fusing with Milka chocolate) until the end.

• 28% of the users have interacted with the advert and played with the bread knife.

• 9,5% of the users have clicked on the advert for more information on the Philadelphia mobile site (CTR).

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2021, KITKAT

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