Cannes Lions


PAGÉS BBDO, Santo Domingo / LA SIRENA / 2009


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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The execution started with the creation of an unbranded website that captured children’s attention as the place where Santa built his toys. A 360 degree campaign was deployed throughout the city. The access to enter the site was granted upon the insertion of their parent’s email. Among the many things they could do inside was the Christmas Wishlist. Here they could select the toys they liked the most and send it to Santa. Immediately the parents received an email with the toys their kids wanted and a note that gave parents a 25% discount.The campaign launched with billboards nearby schools and parks, banners in various channels with children programmes such as Discovery Kids, through web-banners in children’s web sites, MSN Messenger Network and blogs.


During the two months it was online more than 60 thousand people visited the toy factory. More than 14 thousand letters were sent, of which 77% of these were exchanged for the discount.In the media, the factory generated a good amount of free press and by the end of the season toy sales had increased 47% above the year before.

On January 2009 a Buying Preference Survey put La Sirena at 42.5% amongst all toy retailers.

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