Cannes Lions

True Calling

140NYC, New Jersey / VERIZON / 2020

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Verizon has historically offered promotions and discounts to segments of the population who serve their community, including military, first responders, and teachers. During the pandemic, it became more important than ever to bring all our communities together and support frontline workers.

There was one challenge: Verizon was regarded with suspicion because promotions were not necessarily seen as meaningful. To us, this was an opportunity to show that Verizon’s commitment was deeper than a discount.

The brief was to prove that Verizon could give more to those who give the most, and show that they can rely on our brand for more than its functional utility. In doing so, we would strengthen brand positive sentiment.


We identified one of Verizon’s biggest assets: the limelight of our network. We created a five-part documentary series titled “True Calling.” EMTs on the frontlines. Healthcare workers risking their lives to save lives. Teachers helping students fight the odds. These stories explored what called them into a life of service, and in the end the series shined a light so bright that it became one of the most loved campaigns in brand history, while reminding viewers that public service calls the best of us.


Verizon prides itself on the quality of its network and its service. First responders, teachers, and those who serve in the military pride themselves on giving back, and truly investing in the betterment of their communities. Our insight was clear: service calls the best of us. So we created stories that highlighted Verizon’s support of and commitment to frontline workers and the importance of their duties during trying times.

To truly connect with a tight-knit group and break through the usual wall of advertising jargon, social media was the best venue.


Each episode of “True Calling” took an intimate look at an everyday hero’s incredible sacrifices and explored what called them to a life of service. The series was shot during COVID lockdowns, so we conducted hundreds of hours of Zoom interviews and blended them with images and footage from our subjects to tell their stories. The episodes featured EMTs fighting the pandemic at its epicenter in New York City, travel nurses flying across the country to where they were needed most, teachers innovating new ways of caring for their students, and veterans who had to heal themselves so they could heal others. The “True Calling” content series offered some light during a very dark year by featuring some of the most selfless and inspiring everyday heroes our country has to offer and showed that service only calls the best of us.


By turning our social spotlight on essential workers, these everyday heroes’ sacrifices and bravery were acknowledged and celebrated at a time when they needed it most.

People organically started celebrating other frontline workers by tagging them in the episodes as they were posted, starting an important conversation about how we all need to give more to those who give the most.

True Calling increased the positive brand sentiment by 44 percent, making it the brand’s most-loved campaign in history. But more importantly, it reaffirmed our commitment to those who serve, both home and abroad.

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