Spikes Asia



Case Film
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Christmas illumination is usually set up at a fixed location, and the joy ends after you walk away. We wanted to create a solution to expand the boundary of joy so that the happy Christmas moments of our customer extend.


01 Tree

We inserted 25 kinds of circuits of different designs into the transparent film in about 250 balloons. And with those balloons, we made a 9-meter-christmas tree.

02 touchable snowman

Snowman which changes the expression when touched.

03 A Christmas card that lights up by drawing a tree.

We ask kids to draw a tree with a silver nano-particle ink pen. It is a mechanism that the star of the apex shines by connecting plus and minus. When the card is closed and a snowman is pressed, the Hills Christmas tree also lights up.

04 Piece of Balloomination that can take home.

It was an idea that we would like people to take some of the Christmas tree back home so that we developed a balloon that Christmas motifs shine in the middle of a balloon. We distributed 5000 pieces free for Christmas. The city was colored with balloons of illumination, and the light spread throughout Tokyo.

05 POP

We unified the inside of the hall and outdoor advertisement and produced key graphic with this Christmas tree as a motif. We designed the tree, letters, icons to shine by using silver nano-particle ink for POP and decoration as well.

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