Cannes Lions


Y&R BUENOS AIRES, Buenos Aires / TYC SPORTS / 2014


1 Silver Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Case Film
Case Film
Case Film
Case Film
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We knew the 2014 World Cup would be broadcast by many Argentine TV channels. TYC Sports needed to capture the largest audience possible. The problem was that the budget was very low and we only counted on our own TV signal and social networks as spreading media. So we needed a campaign that would overcome these limitations and reach other media.

We had to bet on a powerful idea that would have a great impact on the audience: our ¨press ambassadors¨. The strategy made use of our channel´s only differential: the football passion of Argentines.

So we took advantage of Pope Francis´ visit to Brazil, Argentina´s historical arch rival, and we transformed the gospel he gave to millions of Brazilian followers into a cheering message to all Argentines.

The spot was completely created with archive images of Pope Francis´ visit to Rio de Janeiro and images of previous games broadcasted by the channel.

The media buy was programmed exclusively on our own channel, and it was launched the same day as the World Cup Sweepstake. It was also released via TYC Sports´ social networks and with a series of ads via Facebook.

With our own tools, and limited budget and resources, the spot successfully transcended TYC Sports TV screen. It achieved great repercussion in other media, both local and international, and expanded spontaneously into the digital media triggering a huge viralization.


The launch of the spot ¨Blessed George¨ took place in December, as a season opener to start ¨warming up the TV screen¨. And to pioneer the communication of the World Cup.

The spot was set to launch during the World Cup Sweepstake that would be broadcasted by TYC Sports, specifically in the block previous to the actual sweepstake.

The spot was completely created with archive images of Pope Francis´ visit to Rio de Janeiro and images of previous games broadcasted by TYC.

The airing time was programmed exclusively on TYC Sports TV signal, with an exposition of 151 repetitions between Dec. 06th and Dec. 31st, 2013.

The spot was also spread in the Social Networks via a spot campaign in Facebook.


There was immediate repercussion:

The spots became massively viral on social networks.

It reached 2 million views, became trending topic and the most popular video in YouTube, all of these during it’s first week online.

But the message didn't stop there.

It was seen in 174 countries and translated into 10 different languages.

It went around the world spread by the most important international media:

New York Times (USA), The guardian (England), Gazzetta dello Sport (Italy), La Republica (Italy), Corriere della Sera (Italy), Marca (Spain), As (Spain), Sport (Spain), Mundo Deportivo (Spain), ABC (Spain), El Mundo (Spain), Antena 3 (Brasil), Folha de San Pablo (Brasil), Lance! (Brasil), O Globo (Brasil), ESPN (Brasil), Record (Portugal).

But most important, the spot reached Pope Francis himself, who asked to meet its creators at Vatican, and said to them: ¨It´s great¨ ¨I loved it ¨never lose the sense of humor¨, among other commentaries.

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