Cannes Lions


MERCADO MCCANN, Buenos Aires / TYC SPORTS / 2016


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Case Film
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A study found out that ¨4 out of 10 children follow a different football team than their fathers¨.

From this worrying fact for all the football world, the channel deepened in the subject doing a research.

With all this results TyC Sports presents converts a campaign to make people talk about this, generating engagement with the brand and invite parents to watch the entire soccer tournament alongside their kids, to avoid more kids changing teams.

The campaign has TVCs with heartbreaking testimonies from some of the victims where they tell their stories and back up all the results of the investigation.


Using the love between football and the felling within a father and his son, we made a storytelling campaign. To tell these stories, we developed an entertainment platform, that was implemented in different media, generating new content.

The main ad was a video promoted during the Chanell´s comercial break that generated new content in debates and live discussions. Print and social media also provoqued active participation of both national and international audience.

In website, there are different tools to help fathers to maintain the feeling with their kids, and everything to guarantee that there will be no more converted kids in the world.


Thanks to the campaign, TyC was able to transmit the message in a very entertaining way ,generating active participation from the audience, thus bulding upon engagement.

With more tan 10.000 cases reported in Facebook, thousands of painfull testimonies and family dramas came to light. Troughout 2.5 million video reproductions in social media, millions of people discovered that this issue could happen to anyone and TyC achived his main objetive: make parents to follow the entire soccer tournament alongside their kids without ever missing a game.

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