Cannes Lions


RETHINK, Toronto / UBER / 2015


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film






We custom-built wireless kiosks embedded with a Breathalyzer, and an Android tablet connected to Uber’s API. When a drinker grabs a disposable straw and blows into the kiosk, it calculates their blood alcohol content. If they’re over the legal driving limit, it auto hails a driver to that location within minutes, ensuring they receive a free and safe ride home. Not only does this keep the roads safer, but it also allows us to provide the service to a wider audience not yet connected to the app. The initiative serves as a powerful recruitment tool giving people the chance to experience the service without having to sign up for it. We also turned the live events into an online video featuring a promo code for new users. The video has received over 55 million free impressions and the initiative will now be implemented across the globe during popular drinking occasions.


We designed and custom-built wireless kiosks embedded with a MQ3 alcohol sensor, and an Android tablet connected to Uber’s API. When a drinker grabs a disposable straw and blows into the kiosk, it calculates their blood alcohol content. If you’re over the legal driving limit, it hails a driver to that location within minutes, ensuring you receive a free and safe ride home. First we rolled out the Breathalyzers on the most dangerous night of the year - St. Patty’s Day - a hazy holiday where drunk driving nearly triples. Then we took them across country and installed them in parking lots across from bars for drunken people to stumble upon.


The Uber Safe initiative thus far has generated over 55 million free impressions online. The idea has been covered by major media outlets throughout the world and created a plethora of positive sentiment for a brand that more often than not receives negative press. We set out to introduce people to Uber as a safe alternative way home after a night of drinking and we succeeded by getting people watching, talking and sharing the message while keeping the roads safer and potentially saving lives along the way. Uber Safe has been so successful, they are being implemented across the globe on popular drinking occasions when the risk of drinking and driving is at its peak.

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